



08/04/2016 | 14:23

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Antoniuccio caro, ho fatto la stessa cosa alla tua età per un paio di anni (non in California ma sempre negli States) poi ho messo su famiglia in Europa (non in Italia) ma ti assicuro che quella esperienza non la cambierei mai e poi mai, non solo per le ragazze ma anche per gli incontri e le amicizie fatte. Ovviamente mai come negli U.S. dipende tutto dall'ambiente che frequenti, ti assicuro che di ragazze fighe, istruite, acculturate, undergradute, con PhD ne troverai parecchie, vai tranquillo che di cime di rapa di mammà ne hai mangiate già troppe, è ora di lasciare il paesello...

28/06/2013 | 18:45

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Questo 3d sta diventando troppo serioso.

Direi che l'unico punto di vista condivisibile è quello espresso dai Bloodhound Gang nella vecchia canzone: 'I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks'

.....if I was a queerbee in the fashion industry

Scoring with a super model would be easy....

.....The only smoked meat the only sausage I would eat is made by Jimmy Dean

See I'm not to keen on the smell of Vaseline

No I'm not Princess Di and I don't wanna be a queen....

If your ass is a Chinese restaurant I'll have the poo-poo platter

My friend Jerry Vandergrift kissed me in Home Ec. class

Later in the afternoon some jarheads in the locker room kicked my ass

I said guys I'm like you I like Monster Trucks too

Wanna see how many push-ups I can do?

I just wish I was queer so I could get chicks

Chicks dig guys that are

Queer guys that don't dig

Chicks that don't dig guys like me

See I'm not queer I'm too ugly

But if I were handsome just imagine how great it would be

Incognito as gay though but not actually that way though pseudo homo phony

Maybe it's a stupid theory or maybe just stupidity

But if I was a queerbee in the fashion industry

Scoring with a super model would be easy

Cause 'super model' means voluptuous but is also is synonomous with 'super dumb'

Ya see I'd be a good listener so she'd treat me like a sister and soon I'd become

That trusted friend that cares that rubs her back and braids her hair

No it wouldn't be a week before I'm in her underwear

I wish I was queer so I could get chicks

Chicks dig guys that are

Queer guys that don't dig

Chicks that don't dig guys like me

See I'm not queer I'm too ugly

Doesn't matter what I'm packin' in my denim it's what's in my genes

The only smoked meat the only sausage I would eat is made by Jimmy Dean

See I'm not to keen on the smell of Vaseline

No I'm not Princess Di and I don't wanna be a queen

I wish I was queer so I could get chicks

Anyway if I were gay I'd have to change my name to Dirk or Lewis

Hang out with my mom's hair stylist his name is Kip he's got a lisp he talks like this

And wear my mother's lingerie learn the songs of Broadway

And appreciate Depeche Mode and avant garde ballet

I wish I was queer so I could get chicks

Chicks dig guys that are

Queer guys that don't dig

Chicks dig guys that are

Queer guys that don't dig

Chicks dig guys that are

Queer guys that don't dig

Chicks that don't dig guys like me

See I'm not queer I'm too ugly

And I don't shave my heiny

Don't shave my heiny

See I'm not queer I'm too ugly

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